“After the Future” is a research and exhibition project wich included a Seminar, courses and an exhibition with an emergency feature, prepared in Olympic proportions times of crisis in the context of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. The show presents works which deals with the institutional failure and political vacuum that dominate the Brazilian present, and the Latin American reality, fulled of brutality and injustice since colonization. At the same time, there are proposals that consider issues such as new models of coexistence, cooperation, creation and subsistence, the same as today emerge around the planet in non-partisan and mobilizing cells of civil society. The art is placed thus as sensitive tool for a critical perception of the world, informing, educating and enabling to dream with futures that cannot come later.
Daniela Labra | Curadora visitante EAV Parque Lage/ Visitor curator at Parque Lage Visual Arts School
A partir da esquerda, obras de *from the left works by) Teresa Margolles, Leonardo Herrera, Amanda Copstein e Manoel Manoel. Photo: Pedro Agilson
A partir da esquerda , obras de (from the left works by) Tiago Rubini, Guto Nóbrega, Franz Manata/Saulo Laudares, Runo Lagomarsino e Tamiris Spinelli. Photo: Pedro Agilson
Daniel Escobar. Lançamento-Liquidação (Launch-Sale off). 2015. Photo: Pedro AgilsonLia do Rio. Intervenção com folhas (intervention with natural leaves). 2011-2016. Ao fundo: Daniel Escobar. Lançamento-Liquidação (Launch-Sale off). Photo: Pedro Agilson