newsletter: residências

Call for proposals – Anna Lindh Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean

One way in which the Anna Lindh Foundation fulfills its mission is by providing grants to civil society organisations, through an annual Call for Proposals to select the best initiatives for intercultural dialogue. The Call is focused on thematic issues in line with each year’s priorities.

Short-term projects-Deadline: 30th of April 2009
Long-term programmes-Deadline: 30th of May 2009

Call for application – Raumars – Rauma/Finland

Raumars welcomes artists to apply for a residence from the fields of visual arts, applied arts, performing arts, design, architecture and music. Residencies last usually from 2 months up to 4 months.

Deadline: 30th april 2009
Contact mail

Call for application – Residency at ARCUS Project – Ibaraki/Japan

Artist-in-residence program of ARCUS Project which aims to support the artistic activities of emerging visual artists was launched in 1995 by Ibaraki Prefectural Government as its main organizer.

Deadline: March 31 th, 2009

Call for application – Pour Que l’Esprit Vive – Ségry/France

Located in the centre of France, the domain of La Prée shelters an old Cistercian abbey founded in 1141 by Saint Bernard. In 1992, Pour Que l’Esprit Vive innovated in the old abbey an in residence artists program. The abbey serves as a residence of limited durations for artists of all disciplines to help them in their research and creation. It is administered by Pour que l’Esprit Vive.

Deadline: 1st of April 2009

Call for application – Residency Asia Pacific Artists – Korea

The call for residency Asia Pacific Artists Fellowship Residency Program Ⅲ is open. The Discipline is visual arts in Goyang studio (18 May. 2009 14 November. 2009) or Changdong studio (18 May. 2009 14 August. 2009).

Deadline: March 6th, 2009

Call for application – Residency at the Sacatar Foundation – Itaparica / Brasil

The INSTITUTO SACATAR operates a residency program for creative individuals in all disciplines at its estate on the Island of Itaparica in the Bay of All Saints, across from the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Contact mail
Deadline: April 10, 2009

Call for Grants – 1st Cajasol Grants for Visual Arts – Spain

Obra Social de Cajasol has set aside 125,000 euros for five grants for the execution of visual arts projects in any media or speciality. Artists of any nationality may apply for these grants, either individually or as a group, and there is no age restriction.

Deadline: 31th march 2009

Publication – Circus in Europe Avanti !

Circostrada Network has partnered up with Stradda magazine to offer thematic dossiers on the street and circus arts for free online. They are pleased to present you the first report “Circus in Europe Avanti!”, devoted to examples of good practices in the European contemporary circus

Training – International Physical Theatre Laboratory – Bovec/Slovenia

The Lab is offering four places for reduced participation fee (for students up to 50%). Applications are considered on a competitive basis.
To apply for participation, please send your CV/résumé with photo and a letter of motivation stating the dates of the event to If you are applying for the reduced fee, include the request in your cover letter.   Participants who successfully complete the programme receive the Certificate.

April 16-24 Bovec, Slovenia

More information

Call for entries – Art Video screening – Örebro/Sweden

The 5th edition of Art Video Screening is now up and running. Its now possible to start sending in entries. See webpage for more info, terms andconditions and entry guidlines.

Deadline for sending entries : 5th June

17th October at Bio Roxy, Örebro, Sweden