Estão abertas matrÃculas para programas de formação curatorial em diversos nÃveis pelo mundo. Para os interessados um prato cheio, a começar pelo Rio de Janeiro:
Workshop de curadoria e crÃtica de arte com Daniela Labra, Felipe Scovino e Guilherme Bueno.
Local: EAV Parque Lage
InÃcio dia 18 de abril. Aulas à s segundas e quartas das 19 à s 21h
Informações na secretaria da escola ou pelo site
Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College: Call for Applications
Master of Arts in Curatorial
Studies Program
Application deadline: February 1, 2011
Bard College
NY 12504-5000
Curatorial studies at Node Center Berlin: Call for applications
Open application period: January 1st – January 30th 2011
Program dates: March 15th – June 7th 2011
Node Center for Curatorial Studies
Hedemannstr 25, 10969
Berlin, Germany
+49 152 2769 9078
Roski School of Fine Arts
USC’s M.A. Art and Curatorial Practices in The Public Sphere: Call for Applications
Fall 2011
Application deadline for the
2011-2012 academic year:
February 1, 2011
Wesleyan University’s Center for the Arts in Collaboration with New York’s Danspace Project
Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance (ICPP): Call for Applications
Professional Certificate Program
Application Deadline: February 1, 2011
Apexart Unsolicited Proposal Program
Apexart’s Unsolicited Proposal Program asks for 600 word idea-based curatorial proposals for a group exhibition that will be evaluated by a large international jury. Submissions are reviewed solely on the strength of the idea; no previous curatorial experience necessary.
The two winning exhibitions will be presented in our 2011-2012 season.
We are accepting proposals at from January 14- February 14, 2011.
Please visit for more information.