Caros artistas, produtores e educadores,
Gostaríamos de convidá-los a participar do processo de seleção do Projeto Redesearte, para residência de produção artística em contextos sociais.

O Projeto Redesearte promove a construção de uma Rede internacional de Agentes Culturais que, por meio das ferramentas da arte contemporânea, pretende contribuir para o fortalecimento da coesão social. Atualmente o projeto se desenvolve em sete instituições culturais da Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Chile, Nicarágua, Venezuela e Espanha.

Nesta segunda convocatória realizada pela Redesearte, será selecionado um artista de cada um destes países para viajar a outro e trabalhar com temas definidos pelas respectivas instituições.

A Base7 abre, por meio deste convite, a convocatória para propostas de artistas, teóricos, educadores ou gestores brasileiros, interessados em realizar residência artística na Fundación El Levante (, em Rosário, na Argentina.

A proposta temática é originada pelo país que recebe o artista. Assim, a Fundación El Levante propõe aos artistas brasileiros que, partindo de um conceito de pedagogia social, apresentem um projeto sobre processos de formação, visando à configuração de práticas artísticas que possam gerar instâncias de participação de discussão e investigação, que propicie intercâmbios e produção critica em relação a um contexto.

Poderão se inscrever profissionais envolvidos em projetos de gestão com outros artistas, ou que estejam comprometidos com projetos que envolvam terceiros, seja de sua própria produção ou a partir de propostas metodológicas inovadoras relacionadas com a formação artística: experiência com crianças, estudantes de arte, artistas ou outros grupos sociais, em relação a uma prática artística que se propõe ativa nos processos de transformação social e na construção de pensamento critico.

A partir do projeto selecionado, serão feitos contatos com instituições locais que possam envolver-se com o mesmo.

Entre as propostas recebidas, a Base7 irá selecionar entre três e cinco projetos, a serem submetidos à escolha final, que será feita pela Fundación

El Levante. A residência será realizada no período de 01 a 30 de setembro de 2009. O artista receberá passagem aérea de ida e volta, espaço de trabalho e moradia, honorários de 500 euros e uma verba de 1.000 euros para produção.

A apresentação da proposta deverá ser feita por meio do envio de uma ficha de inscrição preenchida com os dados pessoais do artista, juntamente com os seguintes documentos:

1. Cópia de documento de identificação ou passaporte
2. Portfolio e documentação de projetos anteriores
3. Projeto de trabalho a ser desenvolvido durante a residência
4. Curriculum Vitae completo

Observações importantes:

a. Toda documentação deve ser apresentada em formato PDF.
b. O envio deverá ser feito exclusivamente por e-mail.
c. Não serão aceitas inscrições incompletas, com ausência de qualquer dos itens mencionados acima.
d. No caso de vídeo, deverá ser feito o upload do arquivo no site
e. A documentação de todas as obras deve ser acompanhada de ficha técnica completa.

A proposta deverá ser enviada impreterivelmente até 15/06/2009, para o e-mail:

Para maiores informações sobre o Projeto Redesearte, visite o site:

A Base7, por sua vez, juntamente com a Fundación Can Xalant, receberá um artista da Espanha para residência no Brasil para trabalhar com o tema FRONTEIRAS.

Lembramos que é imprescindível a leitura integral do arquivo anexo, que traz maiores detalhes sobre a convocatória.

Obs.: Caso algum artista tenha interesse em receber este artista em sua residência ou ateliê, pedimos manifestar interesse junto à Base7.

Ficamos no aguardo de suas propostas!


Ricardo Ribenboim
base7 I grupo ink

HIAP – residências em Helsinki

Call for Applications
1st July 2009

HIAP – Helsinki International Artist-in-residence Programme invites international visual artists to submit applications for HIAP Production Residencies for the period of 2009/10.

The deadline for applications is 1st July 2009 (postmark).

HIAP Production Residencies provide professional visual artists with an opportunity to concentrate on developing new concepts and / or producing new works in Helsinki. Production support is offered for the whole production process from the first idea until the finished piece.

The lenght of the residency, the amount of the production budget and other practical issues will be negotiated with the selected artist according to the specific circumstances of their production proposal.

HIAP Producton Residencies include:
– travel grant
– per-diem grant for living costs in Helsinki
– accommodation and workspace
– production support, including moderate production budget

Further info:

HIAP Production Residencies have been made possible by support from the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

HISK / Higher Institute for Fine Arts

Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten / Higher Institute for Fine Arts

Charles de Kerchovelaan 187a
9000 Gent
Phone: +3292696760
Fax: +322696770

Deadline submission applications for work years 2010-2011:
Monday June 15, 2009

HISK – Higher Institute for Fine Arts

Advanced Studies & Practice-based Research in Visual Arts

The Higher Institute of Fine Arts (HISK) organizes postgraduate education in Flanders in the field of the audiovisual and visual arts. It provides approximately twenty-five young artists from Belgium and abroad with a studio of their own for the duration of two years along with specific, tailor-made guidance.

At the HISK, emphasis lies mainly on individual practice with an international focus. The visiting lecturers are crucial. Artists, curators, critics and theoreticians pay individual studio visits at regular intervals. There are also frequent visits to significant art events and lectures, seminars and workshops are provided. The HISK also offers technical facilities and production opportunities.

Thanks to the unique HISK concept, the participants are given every opportunity to invest in critical research of their work in order to situate it within a broader artistic, cultural and societal context.

At the end of the two-year working period, the participant receives a certificate of ‘Laureate of the HISK’. The HISK is officially recognized as Higher Institute and is financed by the Flemish Community – Ministry of Education and supported by the City of Ghent.

Since 1997, 148 laureates have graduated from the HISK. The largest part of them are currently building up a successful professional career in the Belgian and international art world.

In 2009, the candidate-laureates working at the HISK come from Canada, Japan, Ethiopia, South Africa, Israel, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Portugal, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. An international jury selected them from more than a hundred candidates.

The Open Studios give the candidate-laureates the opportunity to undergo a confrontation with the public and to generate a great deal of feedback from visual arts professionals. It also offers the audience access to and an insight into the artistic development of a young generation of artists who will play a part in shaping the future of the arts landscape.


Artists who have already obtained a Masters degree in Fine Art or an equivalent qualification are eligible to apply to the HISK. Exceptions can be made for applicants who do not have a Post Graduate degree in Fine Art but display a high level of development, motivation and artistic affinity. This is decided on the basis of an interview in which an applicant’s experience, professional or otherwise, is discussed.

A diverse group of artists who are able to work together as a community are chosen each year. All young practitioners selected for the program are believed to share a common potential for growth.

The admission committee is composed of international visiting lecturers from a variety of backgrounds. They make a pre-selection from the submitted portfolios and the candidates who make it through are invited for an interview regarding their motivations and expectations. After a period of evaluation and careful consideration, the committee then makes a decision as to whether the applicant is suitable.

The conceptual and visual qualities in the works submitted by applicants are considered to be more important than style, material or technique. Participants are expected to have a strong commitment to conducting critical research within their respective fields of interest. At the same time, they should aim towards locating their practice within a broader perspective of social and cultural environments. Candidates are also expected to make a contribution to the activities of the HISK as a whole. This interaction is seen to be an important forum of exchange and development.

Basic criteria for assessment are:

– The quality of the submitted work
– Evidence of a potential to explore various aesthetic possibilities
– The degree to which the work distinguishes itself from overt influences
– The coherence of the body of work
– The social/political relevance of the work
– The quality of presentation in the submitted portfolio (both text and images)
– Motivation for choosing the HISK
– Willingness to be involved in the HISK programme and ability to set aside time for this
– Ability to speak about your work and thinking around it
– The potential to grow within the HISK programme, both on an artistic and a personal level
– Evidence of sufficient maturity to be able to work independently

Each year between 12 and 14 candidate laureates are admitted.


Please send the following:

1. Information

• A completed application form (see:
• Your personal motivation and work plan (in English, ca. 1 page)
• A detailed Curriculum Vitae (including a list of exhibitions, grants, scholarships, awards, commissions, etc)
• Catalogues and texts describing your artistic work (optional)
• Maximum 3 letters of recommendation (optional)
• 4 recent passport photographs (with your name on the back)
• A copy of your ID card or passport

2. Presentation / portfolio

• Power Point or PDF presentation on CD (Mac compatible), along with clear labels stating title of work, medium, date and measurements (if necessary) + bound print out of the presentation (colour or black & white)
• Films and videos on DVD, if possible with menu

File to be sent to: HISK / Higher Institute for Fine Arts
Charles de Kerchovelaan 187a, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

Helsinki International Artist-in-residence Programme

Call for Applications

HIAP – Helsinki International Artist-in-residence Programme
Cable Factory
Tallberginkatu 1 C 97
00180 Helsinki

HIAP – Helsinki International Artist-in-residence Programme invites international visual artists to submit applications for HIAP Production Residencies for the period of 2009/10.

The deadline for applications is 1st July 2009 (postmark).

HIAP Production Residencies provide professional visual artists with an opportunity to concentrate on developing new concepts and / or producing new works in Helsinki. Production support is offered for the whole production process from the first idea until the finished piece.

The lenght of the residency, the amount of the production budget and other practical issues will be negotiated with the selected artist according to the specific circumstances of their production proposal.

HIAP Producton Residencies include:
– travel grant
– per-diem grant for living costs in Helsinki
– accommodation and workspace
– production support, including moderate production budget

HIAP is looking for proposals that demonstrate an original and imaginative approach to visual art production, emotional and psychological insight, personal dedication and depth of artistic reasoning. There are no limitations on the medium or method of the proposed production.

Free-form applications should include:
– Production Proposal / Preliminary Concept
– Budget and Schedule Estimates
– Artist’s Statement / Motivation Letter
– Curriculum Vitae
– Portfolio

Supporting material, such as letters of reference, articles, publications, etc. can be included with the application.
Applications should be submitted by post to the address:

Cable Factory
Tallberginkatu 1 C 97
00180 Helsinki

Please note that the application materials are not returned.

technical requirements:
– please include attachments as printed material rather than electronic files, when possible.
– electronic material should be compatible with both Mac and PC computers and readable by common office software
– please do not attach any kind of stickers or labels on CD / DVD disks

HIAP Production Residencies have been made possible by support from the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Bolsa de pós-graduação para artistas com mestrado

Research Program Post-diplôme
Fine Arts Postgraduate Program
Ecole nationale des beaux-arts, Lyon, France
Recruitment for session starting September 2009

Deadline for applications: May 15th, 2009 (Date of postage)

For all inquiries, please contact:
Elise Chaney
Coordinator of Postgraduate Program, ENBA Lyon
T. +33 (0)4 72 00 11 60

Further to its diploma courses, The National School of Fine Arts of Lyon -ENBA, offers a one-year postgraduate course with an international orientation, for a small group of young artist-researchers who have acquired at least a Master’s degree.

Since ten years The ENBA, convinced that the singularity of an art school depends, among other things, on its freedom to reinvent itself and fully assume its transmission function, decided to set up a postgraduate diploma course for a selected group of five young artists from different geographical origins who were already engaged in different types of artistic work. During their year-long adventure they have access to the school’s infrastructure and studios. They also have a critical accompaniment, a field of interactivity and opportunities for foreign travel.

This is no longer a school, with its reassuring rhythms; and yet it is still a school, with its exacting standards. It is an articulation of elements that are too often separated: teaching and professionalism, the protected environment of the school and exposure to the world. It is by virtue of the paradoxical nature of this kind of relationship to the institution that The ENBA’s postgraduate course places the accent on a certain form of destabilisation. And without making any claims to a nomadism that is more difficult than it might seem, the fact remains that travel abroad – in Europe, firstly, but also overseas – is considered a necessary catalyst to the active practice of contemporary art.

The Postgraduate Art Program Lyon, 2009 2010:

– this tenth session will include five young artists.
– the artists will enjoy a collective space to carry on their work. The emphasis will be put on the development of everyone’s work; on reflection and discussion with foreign and French personalities of high level and various horizons: artists, historians, art critics, curators, gallery owners, philosophers…
– during the selection procedure, the jury’s attention will be focused on demonstrable artistic quality and the potential for the development of a work.

Jean-Pierre Rehm, art and cinema critic, independent curator, acting commissioner of the international documentary Festival of Marseille (France).

Material conditions
– The successful candidates each receive a grant of €4,000, paid in two installments.
– collective accommodation is offered to candidates at Lyon. In other places, possibilities of accommodation will be proposed.

Conditions for admission to the postgraduate course

– Applicants must hold a higher diploma (Master’s degree) from a national or international school of art, architecture, etc.
– a shortlist is drawn up on the basis of the applications
– admission comprise an interview with a jury composed of personalities in the art world.

Knowledge of French and/or English is required

Deadline for reception of applications:
15 May 2009
Interviews with shortlisted applicants:
June 2009

Information on the Program, applications and admission procedure available at the School or on its website:

The Watermill Center – Laboratory for Performance

The Watermill Center –
Laboratory for Performance
Fall & Spring Residencies
2009 – 2010
Call for Proposals

Application due date:
May 31, 2009
The Watermill Center
39 Watermill Towd Road
Water Mill, NY 11976 USA
+1 631 726 4628


Watermill, a “laboratory for performance” that supports the development of experimental and cross-disciplinary artistic practices is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the Fall 2009- Spring 2010 Residencies.

Watermill invites emerging artists to submit ambitious proposals for the creation of collaborative works which critically investigate, challenge, and extend the existing norms of performance practice. Watermill also welcomes research proposals from established scholars. Watermill is actively engaged in raising its international profile and extending its network of associates and encourages proposals from artists based outside the US.

The Watermill Center uses Slideroom to gather proposals and work samples for its residency program.  All proposals must be submitted via our online system at There are no exceptions. Complete guidelines and site plans are available for viewing at right.

The Watermill Center was founded in 1992 by its Artistic Director Robert Wilson as an international, multi-disciplinary center for studies in the arts and humanities. For the past 16 years, the Watermill Center has been home to an International Summer Program led by Robert Wilson, focusing on new projects that he is developing in all areas of the arts. With the opening of its new building in 2006, the Center became a year-round performing arts laboratory for emerging artists. Expanded programs in the Spring and Fall include workshops and classes, artist residencies, conferences and lectures, and a variety of local and international educational partnership programs. Watermill collaborates with institutions such as Park Avenue Armory, Kampnagel Hamburg, CUNY Martin E. Segal Theater Center, Taipei Cultural Center, Chez Bushwick and Radialsystem Berlin.

The Center seamlessly combines performance and rehearsal sites with working and communal living spaces. Its flexible and multi-purpose interiors house informal performance halls, the Watermill Art Collection, a selection of Robert Wilson’s own furniture designs, an extensive reference library, kitchen facilities and dormitory. The Center is situated on six-acres of wooded and landscaped grounds.

As part of the Center’s outreach program, residents are required to conduct a public such as a master class, open rehearsal, or a workshop for schools or other local groups. Concurrent with the residencies, Watermill Center staff conduct tours of the facilities, grounds and collection, as well as educational programs for visiting students.

An International Selection Committee convenes in mid-July to review proposals. The Selection Committee includes prominent artists, scholars, and arts professionals. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis on the artistic quality of the submitted work samples as well as the quality and incisiveness of the proposal narrative.

Marina Abramovic, Performance Artist (Serbia)
Marie-Claude Beaud, Curator and Director of the Musée d’Art Modèrne Grand-Duc Jean (Luxemburg)
Jonathan Safran Foer, Writer (US)
Alanna Heiss, Founding Director, P.S. 1 (US)
Jürgen Kluge, Director, McKinsey and Company, Inc. (Germany)
Xavier Le Roy, Choreographer and Performer (France)
Albert Maysles, Film maker (US)
Michael Morris, Co-Director, Artngel, and Director, Cultural Industry (UK)
Gérard Mortier, General Manager of the Opéra de Paris (Belgium)
Ida Nicolaisen, Anthropologist and President of the United Nations Permanent Forum of Indigenous
Issues (Denmark)
John Rockwell, Journalist (US)
Christoph Schlingensief, Film Maker, Visual Artist and Theater and Opera Director (Germany)
Richard Sennett, Sociologist and Cultural Critic, New York University & London School of Economics (US)
Nike Wagner, Artistic Director, Kunstfest Weimar (Germany)

Sherry Dobbin
Watermill Program Director
+1 631 726 4628

CIANT LAB 2009 Arts Research Residencies

CIANT LAB 2009 Arts Research Residencies

Media artists from the Czech Republic and beyond, are invited to apply for a three-month arts research residency at CIANT LAB in Prague, Czech Republic, between April to end of 2009. The deadline for applications is Friday the 3rd of April 2009.

Artists are offered a media laboratory space, a payment of 1000 EUR per month and access to lab equipment and technical support. The emphasis for this residency is on collaborative research and development in the field of networked/distributed performance. Presently, two positions are on offer: A. Area of 3D modeling (3ds MAX), avatar creation and integration with motion capture systems driven virtual environments, B. Area of interactive sound creation (max/MSP, PD, etc.).

CIANT | International Centre for Art and New Technologies ( is a non-profit art/science organization with an artist residency, commissions, research, production, promotion, and training programs. CIANT has worked with over 400 artists in the last couple of years supporting interdisciplinary practice, mobility and exchange. CIANT LAB engages with artists and researchers to produce work that challenges use and impact of emerging technologies in arts, culture and society.

Selection criteria: The ability to research, interpret and present innovative ideas. Experience in the field of networked/distributed performance. Experience in public presentation of completed work and its proper documentation. Experience of working on fixed term residencies with deadlines.

To apply please provide the following:

– Project description, Artist Statement and CV
– Supporting materials/documentation of previous work.

Please send your application to: CIANT (Attn: Pavel Sedlak, Vice-Director), Kubelikova 27, 13000 Prague, Czech Republic. Applications via email will be accepted but must have the Subject: “CIANT LAB 2009 Residency Application”. For more information about this opportunity and application process please email <>
DEADLINE: Friday 3rd of April 2009, 11 PM CET. Selection will take place before the end of March, all applicants will be notified shortly after that.

Equal Opportunities

CIANT seeks to ensure that no present or potential member of our staff or project participants will be treated less favorably than another on the grounds of age (up to statutory retirement age), class, colour, disability, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, political persuasion or sexual orientation. CIANT LAB premises have limited access. However, we aim to ensure that as many of our activities are as accessible as possible. If you have any particular access needs, please contact us.

Association registered in the Czech Republic No. 69061998.

Join us also at:


CIANT will run a conference session at SCIENCE BEYOND FICTION: THE EUROPEAN FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE ( on Wednesday, April 22, 2-3.30 PM, with accepted title “Bridging the Gap between Brain and Machine: New Challenge for Art and Science”. We will discuss state-of-the-art and future of BMI (brain-machine interface) technology.

Featured current research and co-production projects:

1. GAMA – Gateway to Archives of Media Art

2. CASPAR – Cultural, Artistic and Scientific Knowledge for Preservation, Access and Retrieval

3. CO-ME-DI-A – Cooperation and Mediation in Digital Arts newsletter: residências

Call for proposals – Anna Lindh Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean

One way in which the Anna Lindh Foundation fulfills its mission is by providing grants to civil society organisations, through an annual Call for Proposals to select the best initiatives for intercultural dialogue. The Call is focused on thematic issues in line with each year’s priorities.

Short-term projects-Deadline: 30th of April 2009
Long-term programmes-Deadline: 30th of May 2009

Call for application – Raumars – Rauma/Finland

Raumars welcomes artists to apply for a residence from the fields of visual arts, applied arts, performing arts, design, architecture and music. Residencies last usually from 2 months up to 4 months.

Deadline: 30th april 2009
Contact mail

Call for application – Residency at ARCUS Project – Ibaraki/Japan

Artist-in-residence program of ARCUS Project which aims to support the artistic activities of emerging visual artists was launched in 1995 by Ibaraki Prefectural Government as its main organizer.

Deadline: March 31 th, 2009

Call for application – Pour Que l’Esprit Vive – Ségry/France

Located in the centre of France, the domain of La Prée shelters an old Cistercian abbey founded in 1141 by Saint Bernard. In 1992, Pour Que l’Esprit Vive innovated in the old abbey an in residence artists program. The abbey serves as a residence of limited durations for artists of all disciplines to help them in their research and creation. It is administered by Pour que l’Esprit Vive.

Deadline: 1st of April 2009

Call for application – Residency Asia Pacific Artists – Korea

The call for residency Asia Pacific Artists Fellowship Residency Program Ⅲ is open. The Discipline is visual arts in Goyang studio (18 May. 2009 14 November. 2009) or Changdong studio (18 May. 2009 14 August. 2009).

Deadline: March 6th, 2009

Call for application – Residency at the Sacatar Foundation – Itaparica / Brasil

The INSTITUTO SACATAR operates a residency program for creative individuals in all disciplines at its estate on the Island of Itaparica in the Bay of All Saints, across from the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Contact mail
Deadline: April 10, 2009

Call for Grants – 1st Cajasol Grants for Visual Arts – Spain

Obra Social de Cajasol has set aside 125,000 euros for five grants for the execution of visual arts projects in any media or speciality. Artists of any nationality may apply for these grants, either individually or as a group, and there is no age restriction.

Deadline: 31th march 2009

Publication – Circus in Europe Avanti !

Circostrada Network has partnered up with Stradda magazine to offer thematic dossiers on the street and circus arts for free online. They are pleased to present you the first report “Circus in Europe Avanti!”, devoted to examples of good practices in the European contemporary circus

Training – International Physical Theatre Laboratory – Bovec/Slovenia

The Lab is offering four places for reduced participation fee (for students up to 50%). Applications are considered on a competitive basis.
To apply for participation, please send your CV/résumé with photo and a letter of motivation stating the dates of the event to If you are applying for the reduced fee, include the request in your cover letter.   Participants who successfully complete the programme receive the Certificate.

April 16-24 Bovec, Slovenia

More information

Call for entries – Art Video screening – Örebro/Sweden

The 5th edition of Art Video Screening is now up and running. Its now possible to start sending in entries. See webpage for more info, terms andconditions and entry guidlines.

Deadline for sending entries : 5th June

17th October at Bio Roxy, Örebro, Sweden


Prazo de inscrição: final de março!

Estimado/a amigo/a
Te escribo desde el Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires con el fin de adjuntarte la convocatoria del Programa de RESIDENCIAS ARTÍSTICAS PARA CREADORES DE IBEROAMÉRICA Y DE HAITÍ EN MÉXICO.

Con el objetivo de fomentar el intercambio cultural y multidisciplinario, propiciando la conformación de redes artísticas, y para reunir en un mismo espacio de creación a artistas de naciones diversas y expresiones heterogénas, la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), a través del Centro Cultural de España; el Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes de México, a través del Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA), del Centro Nacional de las Artes (CENART) y de la Dirección General de Vinculación Cultural; así como la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, a través de la Dirección General de Cooperación Educativa y Cultural, convocan a los artistas de los países miembros de la Comunidad Iberoamericana y de Haití a realizar una residencia individual de 16 semanas en México, en las siguientes disciplinas:

– Artes visuales
– Danza
– Diseño
– Letras
– Medios audiovisuales
– Música
– Teatro.

Ruego extiendas este comunicado a quien pueda estar interesado.

Adjunto las bases e información de la convocatoria.

Para mayor información:

mais residências na frança…

Call for application

Centre d’art marnay art centre

1 grande rue
10400 marnay sur seine

Self-directed Residencies The artist in residence programme aims to bring together artists in mid or advanced career stages from all countries and all disciplnes (writing, painting, sculpture, architecture , design, multimedia and video art, new technologies, installation art, music, dance, etc) for a concentrated prriod of one to six months). This programme aims to support residents in their creative explorations, investigations and professional growth within an environment of communication and exchange.

Program dates: March 1st – December 15th, 2009 and January 15th to february 31st – 1 to 6 month residency period
Application deadline: February 18th (residency period February to July 31th) and April 30th, 2009 (residency period August to February 2010)

For more information and to apply:
Jean-Yves Coffre

1 grande rue
10400 marnay sur seine