Residência para artistas performáticos no Watermill Center (EUA)

About The Watermill Center

Watermill is a laboratory for performance founded by Robert Wilson as a unique environment for young and emerging artists from around the world to explore new ideas. Watermill draws inspiration from all the arts and cultures as well as from social, human, and natural sciences.

Watermill is a global community of artists. Living and working together among the extensive collection of art and artifacts lies at the heart of the Watermill experience.

Watermill is a haven for the next generation of artist, supporting their work among a network of international institutions and venues that embrace new interdisciplinary approaches.

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International Residence Scholarships at the Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral

I. International Residence Scholarships at the Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral
Six residence scholarships will be awarded to international visual artists.

Each scholarship lasts 6 months. All of them begin in April 2011 and are endowed with 1,200 euros per month and include free accommodation at the Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral.

Eligible to apply for the International Residence Scholarships at the Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral are international artists of any age from the disciplines painting, sculpture, installation, drawing, printmaking, design, photography, video, new media and landscape art.

II. Project Scholarship
The project scholarship, which is not tied to any site, will be awarded to a visual artist. The project scholarship lasts for 6 months and begins in April 2011. It is endowed with 1,200 € per month.??Eligible are international applicants with permanent residence in the Federal Republic of Germany. The artistic project should be realized within the scholarship period of 6 months so that it can be shown at the annual exhibition of the scholarship holders in Bad Ems, Germany.

III. International Curator Scholarship at the Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral
To foster dialog between research and art, Balmoral awards a residence scholarship to a young scholar in the humanities (preferably art history) for a curatorial project to be developed by the scholarship holder and the Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral.

The scholarship lasts 6 months and begins in April 2011. It is endowed with 1,200 € per month and includes free accommodation at the Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral.

The preconditions for all scholarships with the exception of the curator scholarship are a completed course of study in art (M.F.A.) and one to three years (depending on the respective scholarship) of continuous artistic work after the conclusion of the studies.
Applications are also possible for autodidacts distinguished by special artistic achievements, as documented by exhibitions and prizes.

The curator scholarship is awarded to persons who are no older than 35 or whose university degree (at least M.A., preferably Ph.D.) was completed no more than 5 years ago.

To foster artistic dialog and interdisciplinary collaboration, knowledge of German, English or French is expected. For the Curator Scholarship, the mastery of the German language and good knowledge of English of French is essential.

Awarding of Scholarships

A jury of specialists will award all of the scholarships, taking into consideration the developmental potential of the applicant’s artistic or theoretical work. The names of the jurors will be published after the selection.

Additional information and PDF application forms will be available on our homepage from April 26, 2010 on.

Applications must be made with these application forms. Other applications will not be taken into consideration.

Becas Fundación Marcelino Botín de Artes Plásticas 2010-2011

La Fundación Marcelino Botín acaba de abrir la XVIII edición de las Becas de Artes Plásticas para 2010-2011. Son ayudas para formación, investigación o proyectos personales que se cierran con la organización de la exposición Itinerarios y la edición de un catálogo.

La convocatoria esta abierta a personas de cualquier nacionalidad con el único límite de tener entre 23 y 40 años para las becas de formación.

Las ayudas para cada beca son:

* sin cambio de residencia, 16.000 euros
* con traslado a otro país, distinto al de su residencia actual, 24.000 euros;
* y con traslado a Estados Unidos, 28.000 euros.

Estas ayudas comprenden viajes, alojamiento, manutención y alquiler de estudio. Se añadirán las tasas académicas del centro elegido para las becas de formación y el seguro médico siempre que haya desplazamiento.

Los artistas que consiguieron una beca de la Convocatoria XVII para el curso 2009-2010 son: Basma Alshafir (Kuwait, Kuwait, 1983), Erick Beltran (México DF, México, 1974), Felipe Cortes (Bogota, 1978), Nelsón Soriano (Florencia, Colombia, 1976), Marc Vives (Barcelona, 1978), Begoña Zubero (Bilbao, 1962), Javier Peñafiel (Zaragoza, 1964) y Xavier Salaberria (San Sebastián, 1969)

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Programa de Arte do Banco Mundial

Parece esquisito, não entendo bem os propósitos reais, mas enfim… divulgando!


Com o patrocínio da Vice-Presidência do Banco Mundial para a América Latina e Caribe, o Programa de Arte do Banco Mundial em parceria com o Centro Cultural do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID), o Museu de Arte das Américas das Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA) e a Secretaria da Comunidade Caribenha (CARICOM), anuncia a convocatória para a participação na exposição de artes visuais inspiradas pelo tema de mudança, apresentando artistas da América Latina e Caribe.

Inscrições devem ser recebidas pelo Programa de Arte do Banco Mundial até dia 30 de abril de 2010*, os artistas selecionados serão notificados até o final de maio de 2010.

O Programa de Arte do Banco Mundial promove artistas emergentes de todo o mundo em reconhecimento à importância da arte e cultura para a coesão social e crescimento econômico.

+ info clique em Programa de Arte do Banco Mundial

Bolsas da Fundação HARPO

As bolsas da fundação americana HARPO financiam pesquisas de artistas através de instituições sem fins lucrativos. A instituição deve mandar uma proposta, em nome do artista. Projetos de pessoas físicas não são aceitos.

Harpo Foundation was established in 2006 to support artists who are under recognized by the field. This applies to all artists whether emerging or further along in their careers. We view the definitions of art and artist to be open-ended and expansive.

2010 Funding Focus
The relationship between art and site in an era defined by digital technologies is the focus for Harpo Foundation’s 2010 funding cycle. Of specific interest is the dialectic between the non-locality of the digital world and the existential physicality of our everyday environment. For example, our sense of place is being drastically altered by web space, which brings geographically distant locations together to form a new kind of locality, yet what’s small, local, personal, political and natural informs our vision for a sustainable future; the search for place-bound identity persists.

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Jan van Eyck Academie

Deadline: 15 April 2010

Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211 KM Maastricht
The Netherlands

Artists, designers and theoreticians are invited to submit research and production proposals to become a researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academie. The application deadline is 15 April 2009.

The Jan van Eyck Academie is an institute for research and production in the fields of fine art, design and theory. Every year, 48 international researchers realise their individual or collective projects in the artistic and critical environment that is the Jan van Eyck. In doing so, they are advised by a team of artists, designers and theoreticians who have won their spurs globally.

Multi-Disciplinary Research
Artists, designers and theoreticians at the Jan van Eyck Academie work alongside each other and establish cross-disciplinary exchange. The academy is not led by predetermined leitmotivs. The research projects, miscellaneous in nature, make the Jan van Eyck a multi-disciplinary institute.

Researchers, departments and the institute organise various weekly activities, to which special speakers are invited: lectures, seminars, workshops, screenings, exhibitions, discussions, … The Jan van Eyck community and external interested parties are welcome to attend this programme. The result is a dynamic and critical exchange between the different agents from within and outside of the Jan van Eyck.

Researchers can avail themselves of facilities that support their projects from first concept to public presentation, including the library, the documentation centre and various workshops. They can also get assistance with their print work, the editing and distribution of publications and the publicity of events. All researchers receive their own studio and a stipend.

Candidates applying for Fine Art, Design or Theory are asked to propose an individual research project. They can also indicate their interest in participating in one of the projects that are offered by the department of their choice or one of the other departments (please see Research candidates can apply for a one-year or two-year research period starting annually on 1 January. It is also possible to apply to do research for a different period and with a different starting date.

More info
Please visit our website at (button ‘applications’) for more information and for the upcoming series of video messages by Kim de Groot, designer of the JVE 2010 recruitment campaign.


Fray Zacarías Martínez, 2. 01001 Vitoria-Gasteiz. ARABA

Montehermoso publica las bases de la convocatoria ARTE E INVESTIGACIÓN, destinada a la producción, exhibición y difusión del arte y el pensamiento contemporáneo. El objetivo de esta iniciativa, promovida por el Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz, es facilitar la producción de trece proyectos (entre las categorías de producción de proyectos, comisariado, investigación y guión cinematográfico), seleccionados por un jurado experto entre todos los trabajos recibidos.

El plazo de recogida de proyectos permanecerá abierto hasta el 31 de marzo.

Ténot Fondation Bursary for artists

Camac Centre d’art marnay art centre
Ténot Fondation Bursary for artists: Call for application
Application deadline: March 15st, 2010

1 grande rue
10400 marnay sur seine
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Since 1999, camac art centre with Fondation Ténot aims to promote creativity and international exchange in the artist community.

Camac and Fondation Ténot offer each year a residency bursary to one visual artist, one writer and one musician or composer in order to create new career prospects for artists.

Camac is located 60min away from Paris in the village of Marnay sur Seine within the scenic Region of Champagne-Ardenne. This multi-disciplinary creative centre offers a unique environment for visual artist, writers or musicians. Camac aims at fostering communication and creativity among individuals and groups working on the evolution of ideas or realization of works.

Nature of the bursary :
2 month residency (dates to be arranged by mutual agreement between the
artist and the institution)
Return ticket, board and lodging
Private bedroom with bathroom, individual studio.
The laureate must provide his/her own visas and health insurance .

Visual arts :
Eligibility :
Professional artists of established ability. The candidate must be motivated
and open to discussion on contemporary art practice and the challenge of
visual arts. He/she will be willing to conduct workshops or make a
presentation of his/her work to the public. Working knowledge of French,
English or Spanish required.
The selection of applicants will be based on project proposals.
The recipient will be requested to contribute one of his works to camac’s
permanent collection.

How to apply :
Send a filled-out application form to be found on camac’s website with the
mention “Fondation Ténot Bursary” directly to camac together with the
following documents :
– a curriculum vitae
– a recent photograph
– a project proposal for the residency period (3 – 5 pages + visuals)
– two testimonials
10 images of recent work, materials such as press articles, catalogues, etc.

Creative writing :

Eligibility :
Established poets, novel writers and playwrights with demonstrated ability in French, English or Spanish. The laureate will be requested to contribute published texts to the camac library.

How to apply :
Send the application form from camac website with the mention “Fondation Ténot Bursary” directly to camac together with the following documents :
– a curriculum vitae
– a recent photograph
– a project proposal for the residency period (3 -10 pages)
– two testimonials
– Press Clippings
– clear good quality copies of published work or magazine publications.

Music :
Professional musician of established ability.
He/she will be willing to make a presentation of his/her work to the public. Working knowledge of French, English or Spanish required.
The selection of applicants will be based on project proposals.
Send a filled-out application form to be found on camac’s website with the
mention “Fondation Ténot Bursary” directly to camac together with the
following documents :
– a curriculum vitae
– a recent photograph
– a project proposal for the residency period (3 – 5 pages + visuals)
– two testimonials

Please note that applications and accompanying material will not be returned unless a self addressed envelope with sufficient postage is included in your initial application package.

Closing dates for applications : March 15st, 2010
For more information and to apply:
Jean-Yves Coffre
1 grande rue
10400 marnay sur seine

LÚMEN_EX 2010 << Premios de Arte Digital


<< Premios de Arte Digital/ Digital Art Awards – Universidad de Extremadura

10.000 € en premios, repartidos en dos categorías:

> GRÁFICA DIGITAL en soporte físico -incluido fotografía digital-.
> ANIMACIONES DIGITALES (interactivas o no) de corta duración.
Participantes: podrán presentarse de forma individual o colectiva, sin límites de edad o nacionalidad.
> PLAZO DE ENTREGA hasta el 12 de FEBRERO de 2010 <

Inscripción y bases:

Organiza: Vicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria de la UEx.

The Future Generation Art Prize

Atenção artistas sub-35!!!!

The Future Generation Art Prize established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation is a worldwide contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and give long-term support to a future generation of artists. The Prize will be a major contribution to the open participation of younger artists in the dynamic cultural development of societies in global transition.

The Prize is an innovative new international award for artists up to 35 years of age, investing in the artistic development and new production of works. Awarded through a competition, judged by a distinguished jury, the Prize is founded on the idea of generosity, a network of outstanding patron artists and institutional partners, and a highly democratic application procedure.

Organized by the PinchukArtCentre, an exhibition of 20 shortlisted artists in October 2010 gives the opportunity to discover a future generation.