Artist Residency Grant 2015 – Le CouveNt

Divulgando a pedidos (este não é um blog de promoção de evntos, ok?):

Artist Residency Grant 2015 – Le CouveNt
Le CouveNt is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2015 Grant Program.
The “le CouveNt Grant for Artists” encourages the mobility of young artists as well as the expression of cultural diversity. The grant is aimed to worldwide emerging artists, from all disciplines

Application Instructions
To be eligible, applicants must first register on this web address:
They will receive instructions by email, as well as the application form and a complete description of the program.

Le CouveNt
Le Château – 12390 – Auzits – France

9º Prêmio Internacional Arte Laguna

O Prêmio Arte Laguna é um concurso de arte que oferece aos artistas a oportunidade de integrarem o panorama artístico contemporâneo, através da seleção para uma exposição internacional que ocorrerá no Arsenale de Veneza em Março 2015. Há também a possibilidade de concorrer a prêmios de colaboração com fundações e galerias, e prêmios em dinheiro.

Data limite: 4 de Dezembro de 2014.
Taxa de inscrição: 50 euros.

As modalidades de inscrição e os termos do concurso estão disponíveis em:

Transnational Dialogues 2014 – Europe China Brazil

Para quem tem entre 21-35 anos:

Call for Participants to Join Transnational Dialogues 2014 – Europe China Brazil

You can now apply to join Transnational Dialogues 2014, through which you could be exposed to some of the most interesting cultural and social figures and institutions from Europe, China and Brazil, taking part in research caravans, networking activities, and working together with young creatives from the three continents.

Started in 2011 by European Alternatives, Transnational Dialogues facilitates artists, creatives, professionals, intellectuals and writers from different continents to come together for a series of exchanges and co-productions in both physical form and online. The platform promotes sharing of information, networking, and conceptual collaboration between individuals and organisations working in a variety of disciplines transnationally, and offers a trampoline for future collaborations and initiatives.

In 2014, Transnational Dialogues: Change Utopia will bring forward a specific collaboration between Europe, China and Brazil, coordinating young creatives from the three continents to reflect and create together in a year-long process of networked-production, a multilayered exchange and mix of virtual collaboration, meetings, seminars and research caravans that outline a new transnational model of cross-mediatic and cross-national production.

We are now accepting applications on a rolling basis until the places are filled or in any case no later than Friday 22nd November 2013.

Residências, Bolsas, Prêmios de viés ativista

The Artraker Fund.
The Fund was established in 2012 and awards art that helps raise awareness, communicate, stimulate debate and transform our understanding of war, violent conflict and social upheaval.
We welcome submissions from artists of all nationalities and at any stage of their careers. The deadline for submissions is 1 May and the Award is presented on International Peace Day (21 September) in London (United Kingdom) each year.



Évora, Portugal

Período de candidatura: 5 de abril – 28 de maio de 2013

Portas Abertas consiste num projeto artístico participativo internacional promovido pelo Fórum Eugénio de Almeida por ocasião da inauguração das suas instalações no antigo Palácio da Inquisição, que marca o início das atividades culturais e artísticas neste novo espaço em Évora, Portugal.

Criadores de todo o mundo são convidados a apresentar propostas de obras para a exposição inaugural do Fórum Eugénio de Almeida, que terá lugar de 11 de julho a 15 de setembro de 2013. A partir de uma reflexão sobre as origens do edifício do Fórum, Portas Abertas abre um debate sobre a questão da intolerância no passado e no presente. As obras recebidas no âmbito deste projeto deverão abordar temas relacionados com os seguintes tópicos: igualdade – desigualdade – tolerância – intolerância – inquisição – poder – paz – violência – injustiça – justiça – conflito – reconciliação – exclusão – pluralidade.

Destinatários: criadores, de qualquer nacionalidade, sem restrição de idade

Prazo limite: 28 de maio de 2013

Datas do Portas Abertas: 11 de julho – 15 de setembro de 2013

Candidatura, formulário e informações:     Email:


KCAC – Kathmandu Contemporary Arts Center


STUDIO APPLICATIONS – we encourage international artists to apply to rent studio space with us. For information on cost, availability and how to apply, please contact

From : scholarships, competitions, residencies, exhibitions


Call for Applications – Master Fine Arts at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Department of Art & Media. CH. Deadline: March 28, 2013

Das Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche der Klassik Stiftung Weimar vergibt mehrere FELLOWSHIPS die eine philosophische, wissenschaftliche, publizistische oder künstlerische Arbeit főrdern. Germany. Deadline: March 31, 2013

Postgraduate Funding Opportunities: 6 PhD Scholarships (3 years full-time) University of St Andrews School of Art History. UK. Deadline: April 1, 2013

Knight Curatorial Fellowship at the Museum of Art, Miami Beach. For US citizens only. USA. Deadline: April 1, 2013

The Sandberg Instituut is pleased to announce the launch of the School of Missing Studies, a Master’s program on Art and Learning, headed by Bik Van der Pol. Commencing in September 2013, the School of Missing Studies is now open for applications. NL. Deadline: April 1, 2013

Hybrid Online Low-residency MFA & Studio PhD at Transart Institute, NYC and Berlin. Deadline: April 1, 2013

Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Matt Mullican: Meaning of Things Workshop: Open Call for Young Artists. XIX CSAV – Artists Research Laboratory. Italy. Deadline: April 4, 2013

Funen Art Academy is accepting applications for its five-year independent higher education study program in contemporary visual arts. Odense, Denmark. Deadline: April 5, 2013

Call for Applications to artists, curators, art historians etc.: the Vera List Center for Art and Politics is pleased to invite applications for the 2013–2015 Vera List Center Fellowships. Two fellowships will be awarded, each spanning eight months and linked to the Vera List Center’s curatorial focus theme for 2013–2015, Alignment. NYC, USA. Deadline: April 8, 2013

+ em

Bolsas, residências, cursos

Curatorial Fellow for Diversity in the Arts

Visual Arts Department – Walker Art Center seeks applicants for their prestigious Curatorial Fellowship for Diversity in the Arts.

This two-year fellowship (starting June 2013 through June 2014) supports the Walker’s goal to encourage greater diversity within the museum field. The fellowship has been offered continually since the early 1990’s. Our fellowship alum now play prominent roles within many museums throughout the world. In our terms, diversity refers to a wide spectrum of people of color, people with disabilities, age, gender and other classifications. Qualified candidates with diverse backgrounds and/or studies are strongly encouraged to apply.  Deadline: February, 22

+ info


Telefónica I+D y LABoral lanzan la 2ª convocatoria para una residencia que desarrolle un proyecto de arte y nuevas tecnologías

‘Next Things 2013 – Next Space’ busca la producción de una propuesta referida a la apropiación del espacio público relacionada con los medios locativos

Telefónica I+D, empresa de investigación, desarrollo e innovación del Grupo Telefónica, y LABoral han lanzado la convocatoria conjunta Next Things 2013 – Next Space, el Segundo Desafío Global de Arte y Tecnología. El objetivo de este llamamiento es unir arte y tecnología, artistas y tecnologías, y dar rienda suelta al enorme potencial que entraña la mezcla de la creatividad y la visión de los artistas con las poderosas tecnologías de hardware abierto.

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International Leadership Program in Visual Arts Management

Deusto Business School (University of Deusto, Spain), NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development (New York University, New York), and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (Bilbao, Spain) present an International Leadership Program in Visual Arts Management.

The International Leadership Program in Visual Arts Management combines advanced business theory and techniques together with the latest concepts and global trends in visual arts management and administration to provide a rigorous, engaging educational program for experienced professionals in the visual arts or related arts fields.–international-leadership-program-in-visual-arts-management-/programa


PCA Summer Creative Residency – An Exchange Between Artists and Designers – June 17–July 26, 2013

Paris College of Art

14, rue Letellier, 75015 Paris France

Emerging artists are invited to consider how their practice could be developed within the structure of a six-week residency in Paris. The residency’s aim is to enhance the individual’s independent practice by providing them with the space, guidance, and resources necessary to fully investigate a defined project. Residents work from a large communal studio; in addition, they have access to the ceramics, welding, woodworking and mold-making workshops, photography studio and darkroom, printmaking facility, fashion atelier and computer lab. Visiting professional artists, designers, curators, and writers engage with residents via lectures, critiques, and workshops. Visits to museums, contemporary exhibitions and cultural spaces in and around Paris will be organized to complement and enrich residents’ creative development.


Artists Research Laboratory

CSAV – Artists Research Laboratory is a project where dialogue and exchange among artists of different generations and nationalities stand at the heart of a unique artistic and learning experience. The lab is open to fifteen young artists of all nationalities, selected among the applicants by a jury. The programme lasts twenty-four days during which the participants attend a daily workshop activity and theoretical seminars run by the invited artist, the director, the curators and guest lecturers, as well as conferences held by artists, critics and experts of other disciplines.

The 19th edition of the laboratory, titled Meaning of Things, will be held in Como from the 5th to the 29th of July 2013. American artist Matt Mullican will be leading the workshop.


Iver JÃ¥ks Artist-In-Residency Program

SDG (Sámi Center for Contemporary Art) announces the Iver Jåks Artist-In-Residency Program 2013. Named after the late Sami artist Iver Jåks, this international artist-in-residence program offers a two months residency in Karasjok, Norway.

Sámi Center of Contemporary Art

Jeagilvármadii 54 – 9730 Karasjok, Norway

Iver JÃ¥ks Artist-In-Residency Program – The residency includes accommodation, access to an artist studio, a stipend for living expenses and production costs, and travel costs covered to and fro.

Please send an application letter, an updated curriculum vitae and a selected digital portfolio (maximum 50 MB of files) to

Applications are accepted until 23.59, GMT+1, 10th of March, 2013.

Conditions for Iver JÃ¥ks Artist-In-Residency Program 2013

1. Professional visual artists are eligible to apply for Iver JÃ¥ks Residency Program

2. Iver JÃ¥ks Residency Program offers a residency period for up to two months (minimum 1 month) in Karasjok, Norway.

3. Iver JÃ¥ks Residency Program includes a stipend of 20000 NOK, accommodation, access to studio/atelier, as well as travel expenses for the artist. The stipend covers living expenses as well as production costs. Further production costs are negotiable.

4. Available residency period for 2013 is 1st of June to 31st of October.

5. The application must include application letter, curriculum vitae and a digital portfolio. Applications are only received digitally. Send your application to

6. Deadline is at 23.59, March 10, 2013.

7. The selection of residency artist will be carried out during March and first part of April. The results are expected to be announce by mid-April. The artistic advisory board at Sami Center for Contemporary Art will make the selection. Quality of artistic practice is the exclusive selection criteria. Choice of artist will not be motivated or justified, and cannot be questioned. Sami Center for Contemporary Art administers the residency program and is the host during the residency period.

8. The combined apartment and atelier at the Iver JÃ¥ks house in Karasjok will function as living and working space for the artist-in-residence.

9. A contract between selected artist and Sámi Center for Contemporary Art will be organized, detailing residency conditions.

10. For more information: Write to or call +47 902


Postdoctoral fellowship program

Goethe Institut and Haus der Kunst have recently announced a new postdoctoral fellowship program, the Goethe-Institut Fellowship at Haus der Kunst. The program will award each fellowship for one academic year beginning this fall 2012.

Qualifications and Requirements:

– Completed doctorate degree in art history, museum studies or related fields.
– Excellent knowledge of modern and contemporary art, with a global perspective and understanding on the art histories of 1945 onwards.
– Demonstrated accomplishments in the field of research, education and/or exhibition practice at a research institute, university or art college.
– Fluent written and spoken English is essential, a second non-native language desirable.

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Chamada de vídeos Bela/Labe

Até dia 21 de setembro estão abertas as inscrições para a seleção de 2 videos de arte com temáticas urbanas, e duração de até 5 minutos, para participarem da mostra online “Interpretações do urbano: situações e poesia”.  A mostra integra a plataforma Labe de arte digital – um projeto do Bela Maré, no Rio de Janeiro.

Veja o regulamento em

Residência em Arte Sonora na Finlândia

A associação de artistas MUU, cujo foco está centrado em tecnologia e permormatividade, lança chamada para exposição e residência internacional em arte sonora. Abaixo segue os detalhes e a ficha de inscrição.


– a series of sound events in MUU studio, June/August 2012
produced by Artists’ Association MUU

OPEN CALL for submissions

1. EXHIBITION for Sound Artists
MUU FOR EARS will provide an opportunity for sound artists from outside Finland to showcase sound art and experimental music projects as part of an international sound event at MUU studio in June 2012.

MUU is looking for a wide range of material such as sound installations, experimental musical improvisations, remix and sample compositions, sound sculptures and live performances, as well as other ways of making sound and music. The MUU studio is a black box of 10 m2. The space is suitable for one or two installations.

MUU will cover travel to Finland, accommodation and a small artist fee.

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2. ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE for a Sound Artist
Consists of a one-month stay at the Tapiola Guest Studio, located in Espoo, 8 km from the centre of Helsinki. The residency is located in a park-like setting just beside the sea. The studio has a total area of 83 m2, plus a living balcony of 15 m2.

The residency includes an artists talk at the MUU gallery. MUU is also interested in arranging a sound workshop in August, and are looking for proposals for the workshop. A salary will be paid for conducting the workshop.

The residency also includes an opportunity to perform at the newly open Sound Gallery Akusmata, curated and organized by Petri Kuljuntausta.
MUU will cover travel to Finland, accommodation and a small artist fee.

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MUU FOR EARS is produced and curated by Timo Soppela and Rita Leppiniemi / Artists’ Association MUU. Organized in cooperation with Petri Kuljuntausta’s sound gallery Akusmata.
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Please submit applications by e-mail to
or by post to   MUU ry / MUU FOR EARS
Lönnrotinkatu 33
00180 Helsinki
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The following information is required:

1. Exhibition
2. Artist-in-Residence

TITLE & SYNOPSIS OF WORK (exhibition):
DURATION OF WORK (exhibition):
SOUND SAMPLES (common formats accepted: wav, aiff, mp3, etc.):

NOTE: If you wish to have your material returned (sent by post), please enclose a self-addressed envelope. Please do not send master disks, as we cannot accept any liability for loss or damage.

Further information:

Chamadas internacionais de bolsas, prêmios, residências, projetos artísticos

Bolsas para estudos complementares (artistas, teóricos, curadores)
SPEAP is a post-graduate programme aimed at young international professionals. It seeks to recruit academics, social scientists, artists (in the broadest possible meaning, including designers and architects), as well as professionals working in the arts and politics.
Application deadline: April 5, 2012

MPhil and PhD programmes scholarships in the School of World Art and Museology at UEA University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Deadline: February 17, 2012

Call for Applications: Doctoral Studies at The Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki
Deadline: February 29, 2012

MA Scholarships, School of World Art Studies and Museology at UEA University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Deadline: March 1, 2012

13 posts for doctoral researchers, Giessen University’s International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Germany
Deadline: March 1, 2012

3 posts for postdoctoral researchers, Giessen University’s International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Germany
Deadline: March 1, 2012

Netherlands Film and Television Academy: Master of Film – Call for Applicants & Coaches (Amsterdam)
Deadline: April 13, 2012

The International Summer Academy of Fine Arts Salzburg offers numerous grants for students worldwide.
Deadline: April 15, 2012

Lynne Newman Foundation scholarships: Master’s Degree programmes at Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London and New York
Deadline: as long as space is available. Programmes begin in September

Competições e prêmios

Triple Canopy: Call for proposals from artists and writers
Due by February 13, 2012

Time Machine will be a week long festival of experimental, time-based art taking place at alternative spaces across Sydney, Australia
Deadline: February 19, 2012

Voies Off Prize: for the past 17 years, Voies Off has offered an alternative approach to emerging contemporary photography. Arles, France
Deadline: February 20, 2012

Magmart International Videoart Festival, Italy
Deadline: February 29, 2012

New Technological Art Award Foundation Liedts-Meesen, Belgium
Deadline: March 31, 2012

The Cynthia Corbett Gallery announces the Young Masters Art Prize 2012 call for applications, London
Deadline: April 30, 2012

Residencias Curatoriais
Kuenstlerhaus Büchsenhausen – International Fellowship Program for Art and Theory: Call for Applications (Innsbruck, Austria)
Deadline: February 3, 2012 (postmark)

Air Celeia: Open Call – International Curatorial Residency, Slovenia
Deadline: May 1, 2012

Projetos artísticos de alcance público
STOFF, Stockholm Fringe Fest 2012, Sweden
Deadline: March 11, 2012

Call for applications for a permanent artistic creation in relation to the construction of a school, children’s play area, and landscaping of a public place (Geneva, Switzerland)
Deadline: March 16, 2012

Residência artística
Chianti, Toscana. One month residence, stipend, studio space.
Please see to apply