Hello! I am Daniela Labra, Professor Doctor in Contemporary arts and independent curator, Berlin-based. I launched artesquema.com in 2004 and today this is a dormant archive of performance and contemporary visual arts. For a while, artesquema.com was hibernating. In order to revive it, I share my portfolio with a selection of exhibitions curated between 2005-2021:
Performance arte, arquivos críticos e fóssei rebeldes. Revista do program de pós graduação em cinecias da informação/ Museologia. UnB, Brasilia. Nov. 2020.
Com muita alegria disponibilizamos o PDF do catálogo deste festival histórico ocorrido no Rio de Janeiro em 2011 , com participantes de todas as regiões do Brasil.
With great joy, we make available the PDF of this historic festival held in Rio de Janeiro in 2011, with participants from all regions of the country.
Curadoria-geral de Daniela Labra; Produção AUTOMATICA
ZAIT _Online platform for contemporary art studies ZAIT is a platform dedicated to the general knowledge and deepening of issues of contemporary art theory and practice in its multiple formats. It offers courses on artistic themes with historical, aesthetic, conceptual, socio-political, philosophical and other backgrounds. Our courses have transnational, interdisciplinary and current approaches. Currently in Portuguese only. Coordinated by Daniela Labra
Daniel Senise. Antes da Palavra/ Before the word. Exhibit installing at Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre, 2019.
Hi. This is the old blog-portfolio-ongoing project of art curator and critique Daniela Labra. This space started 15 years ago and now is time to move forward.
At the moment I share my recent works which are online but also there are plenty of disordered material in this website if you have time to surf. Part of it are in Portuguese only.
My short Bio is updated at the section sobre/about
Thank you.
Recent texts
Da Latin American Art à Arte do Sul Planetário
(Um recorte de exposições coletivas que ajuda a compreender a historiografia de uma modernidade escrita nas relações neocoloniais e descoloniais). Revista Select 45, Dez. 2019
From Latin American Art to Planetary South Art
(A cutout of group exhibitions that helps to understand the historiography of a modernity written in neo-colonial and descolonial relations). Select Magazine 45, Dec. 2019
That Naked Body: that intimate stranger. Revista Jacarandá n.6, Special Edition: Brazilian Art is under attack, 2018, p. 32
Download http://www.jacarandamagazine.com/?page_id=65
Recent lecture
Talk with the artist Caio Reisewitz and book launch: Altamira. Artphilein Foundation. Milano, 2019.
At Friends with books Art Fair. Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin.
Jacarandá is a portuguese-english arts magazine published in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Its last number was edited by critic and curator Luisa Duarte and journalist Susana Velasco. They invited different names from brazilian art milieu to present articles on the recent censorship and conservativism movement which have had attacked the contemporary arts in country since 2017. This is an actual discussion and urgent topic. Brazil is under attack in and outside the art system – and we must fight against this obscure hypocrisy.
With texts by: Suely Rolnik, Luiz Camillo Osório, Clarissa Diniz, Daniela Labra, Moacir dos Anjos, Frederico Coelho and others.