The Non-Age


The Non-Age at Kunsthalle Winterthur
Kunsthalle Winterthur

The Non-Age

“In the future the idea of youth won”t make sense
anymore as everyone will try to dress, think and act
as an eternal young (wo)man.”
Michel Maffesoli

If Marc Augé coined successfully the concept “non-places” in the 90s, we could rely on this idea as a starting point and launch the concept “non-age” as a term that in a challenging manner reflects the complexity of ageing in our hyper-consumer society.

As such, “The Non-Age” too questions relational, historical or sociological ideas and preconceptions concerned with ageing and old age, and especially the relationship that individuals have with this “new adulthood” in terms of income, health, social relationships, aesthetic image, and leisure.

Why the “non-age”? “Because we are experiencing –explains Paco Barragán, co-curator- progressively a canon of age in which youth, maturity, and adulthood become, both mentally and physically, one sole category within which the problems of youth become a concept that refers to the problems of any one of us in general, independent of his or her age. These “new adults” pursue goals by means of attitudes and strategies that, according to our puritan society, do not coincide with those commonly associated to or concerned with their age.”

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