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Futuresonic 2009 Art exhibition
Call For Submissions
Futuresonic and FutureEverything invite submissions from artists, thinkers and makers for the Futuresonic 2009 Art exhibition.
A commission valued at GBP 5000 is available to create a new artwork, plus Futuresonic can support a limited number of other projects, as a part of a major city wide exhibition. Get Involved!
Futuresonic’s Art strand commissions new artworks and presents exhibitions on art, technology and social themes, with a focus on artworks that are participatory, sited in public space, and in an urban context.
2009 Theme: Environment 2.0
Submissions deadline — 5pm, 13 October 2008
oioi…trocar uma idéia: vc viu como a fala do evento choquecultural? “pixação movement”…:) me chamou a atenção a cedilha e o til aparecerem no menu da revista…nao traduziram…